You can transform your life the same way
I did mine
I wasn’t always a coach, and at times I didn’t really know I was heading in that direction. There were moments though, where I did think about becoming a coach. The deep nagging feeling inside that something wasn’t right. That something was missing. Visually speaking, I was standing at a bridge, seeing my bright and shiny future on the other side, but looking down, I was terrified of the height and taking that step onto that seemingly wobbly bridge to get to the other side. I turned around several times and kept looking over my shoulder, wondering if would regret not taking that step.
I finally did, with a little help of course. It’s not always all bright and shiny on the other side, but refreshingly different and it has led me onto life's journey which leads me to new places to discover and new bridges to cross. I’ve found my balance between working and living and so can you.
Let me help you cross your bridge. Get in touch with me and start living the life you were meant to live.
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